What I really missed in Australia was the delicious taste of freshly oven-baked focaccia bread. Focaccia is a typical Genoese piece of crunchy bread on the outside and moist on the inside. I usually eat my favourite focaccia (with rosemary) as a sort of "snack" when I feel a bit hungry!
In Melbourne, despite numerous Italian restaurants, bakeries, cafès, there was no chance to find out a piece of focaccia. So I decided to bake focaccia on my own... but I had no idea how to make it... so I checked recipes-tutorials on the internet... and I ended up to visit Viva la focaccia website: a blog written by an engineer from Genoa settled down in the United States, - with nostalgia of focaccia too! I followed the instructions given and made every effort possible to bake my focaccia... and the result was pretty good!!! It was so yummy!!!